Friday, May 16, 2008

Welcome home mom.....

And then....

Ruger and Stets have gone to Boy Scout camp on an over nighter. And I take Levi to a dance recital for my niece and when i get home Joe walks in and hands me this....just hands it to me, not a word like I'm just suppose to take it and and do what ever I need to do. DUHHH!!!! BLOOD-BOY SCOUT SHIRT!! I swear I could have killed him.... I had to ask every ? nothing was volunteered.

Me "Whose shirt?"

Joe "Rugers."

Me "What happened?"

Joe "Got hit in the head with a rock." (I'm boiling!!)

Me "What? What happened? Is he Ok? Does need to go to the hospital? How big is the cut?"

Joe " Got hit in the head with a rock. Just a little hole." "Can you soak this in cold water?"

WHAT THE HECK!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! (I dont know what to say that i won't regret later about how furious i am at him!!) Does this not look like a massacer just happened at boy scout camp????


Katie B said...

That makes me laugh so hard! I can just picture Joe responding in his "mello" way and your jaw hanging open! Hope Ru is okay, but in Joe's defense, headwounds do bleed alot for just little cuts.

Welcome Home!

Arlene said...

That is so funny when it's you guys!! That sounds exactly how my conversation would have gone with Chris in the same circumstance! Men! They just don't get that mothers are protective creatures that will do anything to keep their young safe! I guess that's why we need us both, to mellow out mom's panic, and let dad's know that sometimes there is need TO panic!!

Angie said...

Right now. . I am so glad that I did not send Rusty and Riley to scout camp. Thanks for the reassurance!

Amy Jo said...

The joys of boys scout camp! Of course I had to grill my son to make sure he didn't do it. Bart is the same as Joe, everything is no big deal. Let us know if you get that blood out. I am sure sometime in the future I will need to know how.

amber said...

I think I'm glad my Joe was not at scout camp! Good grief! What does go on there?!