Saturday, November 22, 2008

a big THANKS

I just wanted to post a little bit about how much i have counted on friends and family this past year.... Thank you so much for accepting me for me. On good days and bad days i always neww there would be someone i could share it with. Someone that i could cry to or laugh to and even gripe to. To those of you who have recieved a text from me out of the blue that really didnt make much sense. Thanks for just taking the time to respond. Most of you know my weirdness well, and i thank you for loveing me anyway........


Our Newman 6 said...

A big THANKS to you! I am not always the best friend to have to just call on. I am trying to be a better friend to others. I am sorry if I haven't been there for you when needed. But I do appreciate your kindness to me and my family always. I love you and your family so much THANKS for the good times and hope for many good times to be had.

Tiffany Joy said...

I love you Heidi! It was so good to see you last week..

Katie B said...

You're so awesome! I love ya! Here's to great friendships in 2009!

amber said...

I love you! Can't wait for summer! We always seemed to have more time to spend together in the summer :) Thanks for being a great friend to me.

Angie said...

YOU are an awesome friend! I know that if I need a lift or just a good laugh (or a b*&$h session) I can call on you. Thanks for all the laughs we've had and for those that are yet to be!! Love ya!

TiffaniS said...

Hey Heidi. You are so loved! I'm sorry my texts are always too long!! I'm grateful you are both friend and family.