Friday, January 22, 2010

Not ready for....

My boy to be involved in high school athletics, so much politics involved, and i'm so non political :( Because like it or not, it is full of it. It always has been and it always will be. Its hard to see kids, give it their all, and because of a last name or who knows who, determines their playing time and position. It really doesn't matter unless they are extremely talented. Here and there you get a great coach who coaches for the kids, wants them to become better people. Wants them to be successful on the field (court) and off. Its few and far between, and maybe he will be able to have an experience like that, who knows. I just had to vent, write it down, get it out. Im good now, leave your comments about how you feel, I would love you to share....


Kimberly said...

Oh, so true! It will be interesting to see how fball plays out next year. Do you think Stets will play?

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way & it's so sad!!